What a time to be alive. For every ending there is a new beginning. Consider for a moment that for the end of one age a new one is ushered in. And the transformative powers that be move at their own pace and cadence.

Something no one talks about is how messy transformation is when you’re smack-dab in the middle of it, observing it being played out, whether its a week, a month, or nine months its a large slow moving process. So much so people are generally too busy, too distracted and too indifferent to notice or even care. Even so the passing years, decades, lifetimes even, weave the events and changes like every instrument that contributes to a symphony. And just like a symphonic performance unless it’s recognized and appreciated in its completeness it will be taken for a senseless, out of sync, fragmented and disjointed noise rather than an opus.

But who lives long enough to see how cycles of civilizations contribute to the species that comprise them? And if they could, they’d also see how much is diluted and often intentionally distorted obscuring accurate accounts of events, narratives and outcomes. Unless there’s enough history and outlets of information to derive context to the present what can be hoped to be gained from a convoluted blotted out body of history anyway?

But even with those obstacles consider for a moment how much knowledge has been distilled, preserved, enriched and advanced in the last three thousand years. And now add to that the millions, billions of lifetimes that have come and gone each contributing to that living organic monolith we loosely call humanity.

Like the first ten minutes of a twelve minute symphony leading to the crescendo of the grand finale, so has history led to this space between two eras before us, one passing away, as the other one has yet to fully emerge into its own defined form. But it’s evident this being between two eras is real by the witnessing of odd, bizarre and nonsensical events taking place on a massive scale, even a global one. Some consider these particularities similar to when one encounters death itself. As if entering the twilight zone. Everything is turned on its head and most begin to question their own sanity and judgement.

Is this the end of modern history?

To be continued.

POLITICS with a side of satire and first amendment.

I been thinking about some of the chatter in social media streams. The latest has been lingering with a growing realization that for some reason the democrat political machine and its affiliate leftist hydra-like apparatus vehemently does not want the orange man to be able to be voted in again as the people’s chosen elected POTUS. But, Biden won with some 80 million votes, allegedly. Still no “official” word how many of those votes really reflect registered voters still alive and cognitively functioning.

The next question is, if that voting 202o block is really legitimate like the democrat body, main stream media, big pharma, big tech and globalist donors all insist, why has there been such fierce effort by the left to squelch any voice that questions its legitimacy given the well documented, albeit censored or falsely discredited from the main stream media, clear disparities, irregularities, and protocol deviations from officials appointed to oversee votes that don’t support this assumption? I mean what significance would it be for a few outlier voices to be heard when 80 million votes presumably reflect the population’s position that could be easily proven, assuming election integrity was transparent and verifiable?

Interestingly enough prior to the 2020 election it was common narrative among the main stream media that the left side of the political playing field had no equal candidate that could match the caliber of character or acumen as the orange man. And yet they ended up selecting a mediocre career politician with a growing scandal in Ukraine and shady ties to China as their runner up. Why?

Here’s a clue. No one invests hundreds of millions of dollars into a candidate unless they’re confident they’ll get a return several times over from the risk, even if the candidate is a mediocre one. And certainly not the well connected upper crust seasoned constituents who make it their business to increase their gains through political candidates, donations, and agendas. So, if its not the candidate, and the mega donors are in, what’s left for them to hedge their bets on? The agenda.

So, a mediocre career politician, and former vice president with all the connections and in the know with mega donors, global investors and free market liberal elitists could surely have something to offer if just given the leverage. Even if from the basement of his house during the country’s fiercest political campaign season for the White House.

What did the democrat party campaign on in 2020?


What have they actually done since last year to now?

Forced public policy that does not represent the 80 million Americans who supposedly voted for the White House resident, like CRT, open borders, dismantling the energy infrastructure of the country, manufacturing intentional instability in Europe and the states, creating a food and energy shortage, de funding public law enforcement, mandating an unconstitutional and illegal experimental drug under the misleading guise of a harmless vaccination without informed consent, undermining the constitutional and civil rights of US citizens through the weaponization of quite a few federal agencies, violating the fourth amendment of the former US president (a first in US history), and promoting the normalization of infanticide and pedophilia. Just read the headlines of drag shows with young children touching private parts of the performer.


Ignoring the open border crisis and trafficking illegal aliens across the country.

Instigating and funding a war in Eastern Europe with billions of American taxpayer money without any verifiable accountability where the money is actually going. Many suspect its been laundered and funneled to Biden’s Ukrainian and Chinese oligarch accomplices.

Promoting and mandating an unconstitutional experimental gene therapy treatment and calling it a vaccine for a Chinese manufactured biological weapon of mass destruction and information war.

Promoting infanticide through pro-abortion lobbying and manufacturing a baby formula shortage, overall food shortage and energy crisis across the United States.

De funding public law enforcement and intentionally creating an environment of class and race based hostility, criminality, social anarchy, open lawlessness, systemic and institutionalized mendacity, and fear-based and ego-driven indifference by public officials to the plight of millions of American citizens mostly in large urban under-resourced and over budgeted areas.

And yet, somehow the liberal establishment insists “orange man bad”, (only for the depraved left).

In closing, keep in mind, if you still believe there’s an established secular authoritative official source today distributing accurate, informed and verifiable news and information 100% of the time, or even 95% or even 80% of the time, you really haven’t been paying attention. Just saying. The world has changed and so has the lack of trust, credibility and integrity of main stream media, and news sources in general. The people are on their own.